"The healing power of heat for thousands of years in every culture known '

Only when the flow of energy in the meridians is disturbed, can harmony in body, mind and soul can be achieved.
One method to bring the energy flow back into balance, which is hot stones massage. The combination of the "hot" Stone and the consideration of the energy cycle (Yin and Yang, meridians, acupuncture points), this form of massage reached probably the highest impact.
The Hot Stones not only provides a pleasant and relaxed feeling, but promotes blood circulation, improves lymphatic flow, strengthens the immune system, reduces muscle tension, pain, insomnia, anxiety, circulatory problems and stress.
During the process, both the hot rocks placed on specific energy points, and with this in flowing movements massaged.
is gentle to the end of treatment the client the last 10 minutes of warm and resting comfortably covered with applied chakra stones left.
For quality massage oils are used which are absorbed by the skin beautifully. This is also a shower after the treatment is neither necessary nor advisable.
To the effect of the Hot & Cold Stones treatment benefit optimally, it is advisable to select a date by which it is possible to end the day quietly.
modes of action:
- deep relaxation
- reduction of stress and nervousness
- relieving stress-related tension states
- removal of waste materials by stimulating the metabolism
- prevention of colds
- promoting digestion and detoxification
- Release of blocked energy in the meridians
- Strengthen the immune system
- Effective for insomnia, gynecological problems and circulatory problems
- enables a new, free body sensation
A total sensory experience - immerse yourself in 90 minutes
relaxation for body, mind and soul!
If you sometimes want to leave (again) enjoy, you will find my services at: http://www.lorez.li/
I wish you a lightful
much time and love in your heart
Eveline Biel Dietsch
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