* * If not now - when?
Man is already a remarkable being. Which species can claim to have to cope with a following scenario on the left. Suppose, Raphael is on its way through the park to the mall with a sandwich in one hand and the mobile phone in the other hand, and plans with his best friend tomorrow's outing. But not enough of a good thing, because the way is left even for the umpteenth time, the breathtaking encounters happen in his local pub with a very fascinating beauty revue. Yes, really envy this ability to multitask.
This is probably the reason why we all walk through the streets with a smile and always exude satisfaction ... รครครค what!
Most people are the cogs in his head constantly in high gear. Just to be indulged in the past. "How beautiful the last vacation was on the sea" And next to paint itself in the most gruesome horror scenarios, such as the upcoming ... (could this x was used, but I do not want anything or anyone offensive to fail).
Do you think that Raphael could enjoy his sandwich? Has he noticed that instead of the usual cucumbers were sliced tomato between the bread? Could he feel that his best friend recently something went by the liver is? And what about the birds chirping on the tree in the park? Whose songs could reach his ears? The answer to each of these questions is, probably the most difficult 'likely.
So why do we do that? This "all-possible-same-Do"? About only because we can?? Or do we need these sensations simply not? Let's face it, when we paid the last time our full attention to a butterfly fluttering over? Just sitting there in time to obey, as a self at all at this moment shall pass?
past - present - future.
What do you think of when you can do something? Whatever happened in the past, it happened in the NOW. The same holds for the future. All that will ever happen in the future, will happen in the NOW.
If the thoughts constantly revolve around the yesterday and tomorrow, we obstruct us the opportunity to record something in the now. What happens then is only that our age in years not to win but our true self in experience, sensations, states of satisfaction. Recognize profoundly that your entire life in the present moment is happening, because the now is the most precious thing there is.
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